Ural 6×6 startet nach 11 Jahren Lockdown wieder durch…

von , 02.06.2020, 12:15 Uhr

Dear Sisters and Brothers,life is beautiful and if you take a look at the vehicles of the russian army you will be suprised how good the technology of the russians is working. Here you see a short video (my first video which I successfull upload on hivetube) of the reanimation of the URAL of a great guy last weekend in Germany. The URAL started without problems after more than 11 years lockdown period. Look Up while this genius technology of russia is moving up the sky...So sehen vertikale Anstiege aus...Hallo liebe Brüder und Schwestern,liebe Freunde der Freiheit,liebe...

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24h 48h 72h 7 Tage 30 Tage 3 Mo 12 Mo 24 Mo